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From Brown to Green

Deserts are one of the driest places on Earth. They are so dry that even water, a material so abundant on Earth, is not to be found for miles and miles of the biome. Even though it may seem, these dry places are home to an abundance of species in the world. We don’t discuss them because we assume that deserts are already dead, but this is incorrect. Deserts are one of the most unique and diverse biomes on the planet.

Deserts are home to a plethora of species Socotra cormorants, Amur leopards, Ibex, and many more. All of these animals are highly endangered species that depend on the deserts to shelter them so that they can survive and grow their population. These animals play a vital role in the food web and the ecosystem of the world. Even if one of these animals were to go extinct, it would be catastrophic for the balance of the ecosystem. Not only this but deserts also play a vital role in the functioning of the planet. Thousands of tons of dust are airlifted from the desert lands and land in the oceans, fertilizing the plants present underwater, ensuring the safety of the various species of sea dwellers that exist.

Now even though it might seem like a surprise, there are a lot of ways through which we have been destroying deserts. One major way of destruction is the production of oil and gas. Due to heavy mining practices, there has been an increase in carbon in those areas and, due to a lack of trees, the rate of carbon has kept on increasing due to which thousands of animals have lost their lives. Mining has also sucked out most of the necessary nutrients required for trees to grow due to which animals lose their food source leading to death. We must stop or reduce these mining practices if we are to save these species and the biome.

Another biome similar to deserts is grasslands. This biome is similar to the deserts in many ways including temperature, humidity, and even soil composition. The one major difference between these two is the abundance of water in grasslands. This biome is home to the same number of species found in deserts and it is because of this that both of these biomes should be discussed together.

Grasslands are one of the most complex biomes in the world and are one of the greenest places on the planet. They harbor complex chains of command within an ecosystem and ecologists to this day question the mechanics of such a community. Grasslands like the Serengeti are some of the most famous grasslands in the world, rounding up a lot of visitors throughout the year. As tourism has increased in the past 20 years, it has led various local hotels and tour companies to emerge, thus allowing locals to earn and live a good life. This way grasslands are not only important for the animals, but they also play a key role for the locals as they provide jobs and help them have a good life.

We have started to destroy the biome the same way as the deserts and we need to stop these practices if we want the world to be a better place. Apart from this, the added carbon emitted from the cars also pollutes the air which causes a lot of birds to die. This is also leading to a decrease in the number of animals as these birds are essential food for a lot of animals.

To conclude, we need to think about the lives of other living organisms when we as a society make a decision. We have to remember this planet isn’t ours, we share it with other organisms as one big family and, as the smartest species, we have a responsibility to protect it from any dangers. The deserts provide the resources required for the seas and the grasslands help stabilize the land and sky. Even if any of these were to be plagued, it would have a great impact on the world. We have to provide support to these biomes to save the planet which is our only home in this universe till now.

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